Seeing the elephants of different sizes heading towards him, the adolescent, named Saji, attempted to take off, however before long felt that he was unable to run further. The main choice for him was the tall Eucalyptus tree. Furthermore, in practically no time, he ascended and arrived at the top.

The elephants, likewise reluctant to let their prey away, encompassed the tree where Saji was roosted.

Detecting that his time was up, Saji began yelling for assist with all his energy.

Before long his weeps for help were heard and local people then, at that point, got together. After around an hour and a half they figured out how to drive away the wild elephants. No sooner had the group left, Saji descended, expressing gratitude toward local people and his stars.

“I was dealing with my property and was frightened to see elephants coming towards me. I ran and afterward chose to climb the tree.

I yelled for assist with all the energy that I had in me. I was fortunate as my emergencies pulled in the consideration of a said bystander answered,” said Saji.

In the interim, local people at Chinnakanal requested reconnaissance from the woods division against the wild elephant danger.