AAP MP Sanjay Singh expressed that inside this month, the party will set up displays across the state utilizing the photographs, which have for the most part been shared via virtual entertainment till now, to show individuals that the ongoing BJP government in the state has neglected to make any enhancements in the schooling area.


Singh said that they have large number of photos and recordings showing the “dilapidated state” of UP government schools, even in places like state capital Lucknow.

“We as of now have data on around 600-700 schools from across the state. In certain spots there are no structures, some are being utilized as cow sheds, latrines in most are non-existent or scarcely useful, in some younger students don’t have outfits, in certain they don’t have books.

We have made these viral through online entertainment however presently, we need to take these to individuals across the state,” Singh said.

On September 12, the party will be delivering a video of these photos and video film procured through the multi week of their ‘Selfie with Sarkari School’ crusade.

The subsequent stage of this mission will be the ‘School Bachao Abhiyaan’ where photograph shows of schools will be set up in each area and an allure will be made to the public authority to take cognisance of these reports.